Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Trailer Terbaru 'Godzilla' Lebih Seru dan Menegangkan

Godzilla bisa jadi tontonan terlaris di tengah serbuan film film musim panas tahun ini . Legendary Pictures baru saja merilis trailer terbarunya yang berdurasi 2,5 menit. Dalam trailer terbarunya yang diberi judul Extended Look ini lebih banyak menampilkan sisi emosional karakter manusianya seperti Joe Brody (Bryan Canston) dan Ford Brody (Aaron Taylor-Johnson)  termasuk serangan monster kadal raksasa yang memporak-porandakan kota dan tsunami.

Sebenarnya entah alasan apa Warner Bros menambahkan embel Extended Look ke trailer ini, padahal isinya tak jauh berbeda dengan trailer dan klip sebelumnya hanya ada tambahan beberapa adegan baru. Meskipun demikian, di trailer ini kita menjadi tahu kenapa Joe marah yang tidak dimunculkan di trailer sebelumnya. Joe marah lantaran  harus berpisah dengan istrinya Sandra Brody (Juliette Binoche) di pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir Janjira, Fukushima, Jepang.

Sementara itu, sebuah buku berjudul  Godzilla: The Art of Destruction karya Mark Cotta Vaz juga akan dirilis 13 Mei 2014, tiga hari sebelum filmnya ditayangkan. Dalam buku setebal 156 halaman tersebut berisi sejumlah potongan adegan, konsep gambar dan di belakang layar pembuatan film Godzilla.

Cerita Godzilla versi baru ini akan mengambil cerita asli dari Toho Studios. Bisa dipastikan, Godzilla akan bertarung dengan mahluk-mahluk raksasa lainnya seperti T-REX atau Iguana rakasasa. Kembali ke September silam, produser Brian Rogers mengumumkan akan membuat versi ulang Godzilla dari film orisinilnya di tahun 1956, Godzilla, King of the Monsters!.

Gareth Edwards yang beken lewat film indie Monsters akan menyutradarai film ini dengan produser Thomas Tull, Jon Jashni, Dan Lin, Roy Lee, dan Brian. Naskah Godzilla akan ditulis secara keroyokan oleh David Callaham (dwilogi The Expendables), David S. Goyer (trilogi Dark Knight) dan Max Borenstein (yang akan datang The Seventh Son). 
Godzilla versi baru ini akan dibintangi Bryan Cranston, Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Elizabeth Olsen  dan dirilis 16 Mei 2014.(TS)

 LEFT Dr. Brody monitors the crisis at the Janjira facility. BELOW The Janjira nuclear power plant control room was a daunting design challenge—everything from switches and gauges to signage and paperwork had to be created and accurately reflect a period Japanese nuclear facility. This piece of concept art set the look of the facility.

 OPPOSITE LEFT AND ABOVE Concept art depicting the Q-Zone. “The great thing about haze and fog is that you can create beautiful, dark foreground silhouettes,” says Edwards. “It really gives a sense of scale and scope.” OPPOSITE BOTTOM RIGHT Q-Zone set dressing showing a weathered radiation warning sign.

 TOP Concept art strikes a melancholy mood as father and son return to the old neighborhood, now a graveyard of bitter memories. “This is a real location,” says Edwards. “The art department and the location guys would find real places that looked like they could work for us. This image is the art department sort of explaining what they planned to do before we filmed there, how they would destroy it all.” RIGHT Ford and Joe Brody encounter a stray dog in this still from the finished film.

 RIGHT Concept art imagines the surreal effect of the giant monsters, such as this nuclear submarine dropped in the mountains. “I love this shot,” says Edwards. We struggled with trying to find a position for the submarine that didn’t feel too silly, but you could still read it from a distance. This is a shot that’s never in the film, they don’t actually approach it from the boat, but again, things get drawn just to give it flavor.”

 BELOW AND OPPOSITE Storyboard sequence for the fiery HALO jump. “I just sat with Matt Allsopp and drew some really rough ideas for shots, and he turned them into these little works of art,” says Edwards. “The Third Floor turned it into this great little animation sequence, we whacked the music over it, put a little prayer on it from the guy inside the plane, and, even in its crude form, it gave me goose bumps. When the studio saw it, they felt the same way, and so it’s pretty much never changed from the first iteration—we just went and shot exactly what was prevized.

Berita Terkait :
- Inilah Trailer 'Godzilla' Yang Akhirnya Ditarik Warner Bros 

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