Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Eli Roth Siap Remake Film The Funhouse

Sepertinya Eli Roth sedang kebanjiran proyek film horror. Belum tuntas film Thanksgiving, Cell, Trailer Trash dan sebuah film sci-fi berbujet besar, Endangered Species digarap, kini Eli Roth merencanakan akan meremake sebuah film horor berjudul The FunHouse yang mengisahkan pengalaman seorang wartawan Alan Jones yang memasuki sebuah rumah yang ditinggali penghuni rumah yang aneh.

Quote dari Eli Roth :
"It should be about the kids getting killed in horrible ways, put in different contraptions in the funhouse and the final girl being strapped into the ride and sent into the tunnels to be confronted by terrifying tableaux of her dead friends," Roth says. "A smart remake could be so much fun. Kill the kids in fabulous ways and continually reuse the bodies by making them freaks in the freak museum, sew their eyes shut, waxworks... That's the stuff I want to do in a remake of The Funhouse.

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